Data Science Certification
Accelerate your career by earning a Data Science certification. BrainStation certifications are recognized by the industry's top employers. Certifications are awarded for completing one of our hands-on professional development courses taught by industry veterans.
Recommended Certificate Course
Taught by data professionals working in the industry, the part-time Data Science course is built on a project-based learning model, which allows students to use data analysis, modeling, Python programming, and more to solve real analytical problems.
BrainStation Certification Experience
Project-Based Learning
BrainStation provides a hands-on, project-based learning environment, allowing you to collaborate with professionals and Educators on a range of real-world projects.
Expert Educators
BrainStation Educators are the world's best digital experts and professionals, bringing experience and insight from some of the most innovative companies to the classroom.
World-Class Industry Partners
BrainStation is proud to work with some of the world's leading digital brands and professionals to power our events, courses, and bootcamp experiences.
The Global Leader in Workforce Transformation
BrainStation offers a full spectrum of cutting-edge, instructor-led digital skills certification, online or at state-of-the-art campuses around the world.